Saturday, November 7, 2009

Chris Brown Interview With Sway Talkin About Rihanna (Addresses Her GMA Interview) [Full 21 Minutes]


  1. that bitch hit him frist... that y chris bit the shit out of her.

  2. How dare you, because of this stinking attitude is why we have people feeling this is okay. Would it be okay if she looked at her face, took him back and chopped of his dick? or get someone to kill him?
    These two human being are special, Chris has to get it like this so that he never ever do this again, this can help him. Too many times we forgive and because people get to keep it quiet it goes on and on. This situation he is in will make him a better man than if she stayed. And Rihanna, as a fellow Carribean, a woman, a human, you cant allow this to ever ever happen again because believe me, I guarantee, it would happen again. I know.
    Dont you see its comments like this that will make people who do this think its nothing. This is our lifes, get it to LIVE. Not to be born, hurt and die.... the objective is to live. God bless you though, God bless you

  3. I am so proud of Rihanna, thank God for using her to convey something to alot of us women. I myself have been quiet throughout 12 years of domestic violence. My eyes fill with tears when I even write this post because I have 12 years of nightmares relived every day in my head whether I like it or not. I can talk about everything else and be cheerful and overly positive but this..........hurts.
    Rihanna is incredibly lucky through her unlucky time as God has given her just what is needed to let her just walk away. And, before you say anyone can, its not that easy when you have kids, suddenly those threats Rihanna made seem so much more real. The things he did to her seem to be a template for all domestic violent people, it must be that they just block out and do what ever their imaginations can take them to. HOWEVER, even if you are in this situation ladies, dont give up. I will never give up because every day the thoughts hit my head I work even harder to leave safely. God bless you all and I wish you all happiness and peace
